Thursday, February 14, 2013

Vice Chancellors's Speech delivered at UNIMAK for the second graduants convocation

The Chancellor of the University of Makeni,
His Lordship Bishop George Biquzzi, Bishop emeritus of the Diocese of Makeni
The Hon Resident Minister , Mr Alie D. Kamara, 
The Hon. Minister of Education, Dr Minkailu Bah, 
The Executive Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations, Mr Jens-Anders Frandzen , 
Ministers of government present here with us, 
the Hon. Members of Parliament, 
Excellencies and members of the diplomatic corps, 
Vice Chancellors of our sister universities, principals of other tertiary institutions present here with us, 
Traditional rulers and paramount chiefs, her worship, 
The mayor of the municipality of Makeni, district council chairpersons, 
Acting Provost of Yoni Campus,
Director of academic affairs, academic and administrative staff of UNIMAK, 
Religious leaders and members of the fourth estates , 
Our graduands , 
Distinguished guests, 
Ladies and gentlemen . 

it is good to have you here for another convocation ceremony leading to the conferment of degrees and awards.

Today, we will confer degrees on seventy-eight graduands from various faculties , and also confer an Honoris Causa on a distinguished guest, Mr. Paul Carrick, Founder of Cause Canada. This august ceremony is taking place in the Catholic Diocese of Makeni with its clergy and lay people in attendance. 

Five decades ago, our forefathers and mothers in the faith, Azzolini, Calza, Olivani, Noaro, Bro Stocco, Sr. Rose Mary , Sr. Carmel, Fr. Maculan, Bro. Richards, our many catechists, headteachers, and many others trudged the dusty hills of Mongo Bendugu, Bafodia, Alkalia; they crossed the little scarcies and walked the forests of Tonko Limba, Samu, Lungi . 

For us, they toiled, built Schools ( Kolenten, Kabala, Murialdo, Giuadalupe, St Francis, St. Joseph’s Convent etc) and hospitals (Magbesseneh and Holy spirit Hospital) and clinics. For us, they established new programmes: Leprosy Control Programs, Catholic Relief Services, Saint Augustine Teachers College now Northern Polytechnic, Radio Maria amongst others. For us, they worked and strived so that we might have a better life. 

They continue the efforts of complimenting the efforts of government. They nurtured the generation of leaders that would take our country to higher heights. Even when their work was destroyed through a ten years civil war, a failed state, their enduring spirit did not waver. They did not relent. They were faithful and resilient. Again these heroes and heroines of faith rebuilt our institutions. They labored and brought to us where we are. 

Mr. Chancellor, Sir, you are part of this history, you led us in the rehabilitation of our bodies and souls after the war. Courageously, despite criticisms and accusations, you and your priests, religious and lay people built up the diocese and all its institutions. You did not settle for less. You invested in human capital in and out of the country. Yes the love of Christ urged you on. Without hesitation, you and your priests, clergy, religious built up this diocese and all its institutions. 

Dear graduands, this is our story. This is our heritage. We stand on their shoulders. We are the keepers of this legacy. The University of Makeni was borne out of this vision, with the task to carry on the search for truth in all fields of knowledge; to continue the dialogue of faith and reason and to build a civilization of love. On this day we gather to celebrate their achievements and to congratulate you our graduands who will carry on this legacy, this precious gift, this noble idea passed from generation to generation. This is the journey you are asked to continue. 

Mr. Chancellor, Sir, Honourable Ministers, distinguished guests, we started the academic year on record time despite the preparations for elections in the country and our students are now preparing for their first semester examinations. Indeed our university, in partnership with the United Nations Development Programmes successfully coordinated the participation of paramount chiefs and interreligious leaders all over the country in the recent parliamentary and presidential elections . We were privileged to have the presidential candidates give a presentation of their manifestos at UNIMAK.

Mr. Chancellor sir, the new Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences is up and running with collaboration and support from the State University of Milan. So far six visiting professors from the state University of Milan have participated in establishing the programme and the state university of Milan has given its commitment to ensure that the faculty is established and successful. The department of Special Needs Education will commence its certificate, diploma and degree programe in visual impairment in March this academic year. At present the university offers training for teachers of deaf and hearing impaired through a certificate, diploma and degree in special needs education. This is our special commitment to those with disabilities. The department has a fully equipped audiology laboratory for testing hearing impairment and repairing ear molds. This is unique in our country.

Mr Chancellor, sir, honorable minister, Quality is now the watch word in academic circles. UNIMAK has established a quality assurance and affiliation directorate. This would ensure that affiliation processes are transparent and that policies and practices are implemented to ensure quality of UNIMAK‘s educational provision. To kick start this directorate, a colloquium on quality tertiary education for UNIMAK academic staff was organized for two days this semester with World Bank specialist, Dr. Bidemi Carrol. Also, our first affiliation with the Institute of Electoral and Civic Studies (INEACE) has gone through successfully.

Mr Chancellor sir, I wish to inform you that the Tertiary Education Commission has accredited our Masters programme in Sustainable Development. This program will train specialist in designing, implementing , monitoring and evaluating programs that will lead to sustainable development in the country. Distinguish guests, ladies and gentlemen; it is worth noting that the theme of our 2013 national budget is “accelerating structural transformation and inclusive green growth for prosperity”. Our Sustainable Development Programme is about preparing students and policy practitioners to design and implement, monitor and evaluate inclusive green growth strategies and accelerating structural transformation. We recognize in a special way the presence of our post graduate external examiner, Dr. Marion MacLellan, from the Faculty of Business, Environment and Society, Coventry University, UK.

Agreements have been finalized with the Catholic Business School of Milan and the European Union to commence a MBA in Social Entrepreneurship. The scope of this program is to provide the much needed social entrepreneurs in the country.
We have taken steps to address the science deficit in our institutions and nation by restructuring and rationalizing our science programs. With support from Cause Canada sand Academics without Borders an in-service program for science education teachers in Bomabali and Koinadugu districts has been organized starting in May. Dr. PauL Carrick, our awardee for a doctorate honoris causa has been instrumental in this project. 

Our short term programmes which are tailored to the needs of the society is ongoing thus upgrading and developing professional leaders of our country. 
Mr Chancellor , our programs have been enriched by the flow of visiting professors from Birmingham, Italy , The USA and Spain. They have added depth and quality to our programs.

I am pleased to inform you that our student population is now a thousand and fourteen, about sixty five percent increase. Female enrollment has tripled, a sign of growth in the admission of female students to tertiary education.
We commend staff members that have returned from studies: Victoria Iheanacho with a MBA from the Catholic University of Uganda; Charles Turay from Italy, Peter Lansana with a MA in international development and cooperation; Fr Benjamin Sessay with an MBA for the Catholic University of East Africa: Thanks to Rondine Foundation, Italy, Catholic University, Milan and China who offered us scholarships for some staff members this year to proceed for further studies

Community Programmes 

Our community program in mental health , supported by European Union is on course: the training of psychiatric nurses in collaboration with School of Medicine,Allied and Health Sciences (COMAHS) University of Sierra Leone. With Support from German Technical Cooperation (GTC), paralegals are being trained by our Law Department to support the judicial system of our country . Our governance programs have continued to build capacity across local councils and non-state actors in the Northern region.
A round table conference on social responsibility and entrepreneurship was held at Florence , Italy, on the 12 October, with the aim of fundraising for UNIMAK. We thank St. Lawrence Foundation Italy . We were privileged to have Dr. Kandeh Yumkella , the Director of UN Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) who chaired the conference. 


The University of Makeni has set up the office of the directorate of Research and publications which is up and running. The main aim of the office is to enhance the image of the university as a leading academic and research institution of international standing. This will be done through the following objectives which include: the university will strengthened its financial and human capacity to conduct trainings in quality research; To develop an improved framework for efficient coordination of research activities; to develop a system that ensure excellence in research that will enhance teaching and learning and finally, to improve the research culture in our undergraduate and post graduates programmes. 

Finances and Donors

Mr. Chancellor, despite the fiscal cliff and access to external financing becoming increasingly difficult, we have continued to increase our facilities with a new agricultural building, hostels and an auditorium . We will continue to increase our facilities as student enrollment increases. I am also please to inform you that our two campuses are connected to the national grid and we are grateful to the Government for provision of electricity in Makeni. The Bun Tejan Doherty and Co Chartered Account firm has completed our audited financial statement for 2011 / 2012. In a special way we want to thank all our partners and donors for their continued support. Dr. Franchesco Zanchi of the St. Lawrence Foundation, Italy, the Catholic University of San Pablo Madrid, Amici Della Sierra Leone in Palma Italy, German Civil Peace , Trocaire(Irish Catholic Aid to developing countries),Catholic Overseas Development Agency, Cafod , Makeni Trust Fund UK, German Technical Coperation, Scotish Aid, the United Nations Development Programme, the Government of Sierra Leone, the Makeni Community and all our well wishers. In a special way we thank all of you present here this morning. You have all contributed in one way or another in making this university what it is today.

Finally, dear graduands your names have been added to the list of UNIMAK graduands; be proud of your achievements and be an ambassador of the University wherever you may be. You are bearers of a legacy that is worth promoting and defending. 

We thank you and God bless us all.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Unfair Academy

Today I am in South Korea, setting in front of my personal computer in the cozy house of my parents-in-low. Everything here in Korea is cozy: cozy, technological and fashionable. Except human relationships, these are almost not existent...but this is another story.
I am writing my dissertation and i need to read a lot of books. One year in Makeni did not help me to stay up to date with new publications, books, articles and so on. Actually what i am doing now it is to look for books that I or my adviser consider as important.
I was thinking how easy is do research in our time, I can download a lot of books from internet, I bought a e-reader that is helping me to read all the pdf materials that I downloaded. I can take notes with my e-reader, I can even download for free the first chapter of whatever book I want on Kindle bookstore.
And if I want to take some sentences of that book in order to make a citation, I have only to go to google books, input the words or the sentence I want to use and google will tell me which is the page that contains that sentence.
I was so happy, it is so easy to do research now, I cannot imagine how you can do research without these facilities. But.....just wait a moment! I can imagine it, or better I have experienced it, during the all past year in Makeni, at Unimak.
You cannot download books because the connection is too slow (when it was working....), if it rains the internet connection is out of use, therefore you cannot have access to articles, to up to date publications etc. There is the project to bring the optic fiber to Makeni, one of the big mining companies is doing it, but till now a student (and I don't want to mention lecturers) finds many and sometime insurmountable difficulties in doing a proper research.
And I feel this deeply unfair. Unfair because the academic system is more and more becoming a business, and in this market the importance that these technologies are going to assume a more and more high position. The problem is that with this parameter of evaluation, the better, smarter and clever Sierra Leone's student cannot even try to confront himself with the most stupid, unenthusiastic Asian student (I said Asian only because I consider Asia as one of the most "computerized" part of the world).
And this is deeply unfair.

Anyway, tomorrow it will be a great day for Unimak! Graduation Day! Many students will graduate, many friends....I am thinking on them and their faces come out from my memories, from the many moments that we spent together......Moses, Jellicatu......
I wish you all to make a good use of this opportunity that life (and Unimak) is offering to you, be proud because you did a not easy job!
I miss you all my friends! I would like to be with you tomorrow!